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Madden vs NCAA 
Posted on April 22, 2011 at 11:22 AM.
Why are these two franchises so far apart when they should be working together? They both should be using the same engine, the same graphics, the same animations and the same presentation aspects.

Transition lighting has been in NCAA for a few years now. Is it in Madden? No. How can that be? ESPN has been in NCAA for a while now. Does Madden take advantage of the ESPN license? No. How can that be?

What is going on over in the Madden department? You would think that the NFL game would have the upper hand on the NCAA game and my thoughts would be reversed. But it has been this way for years and years.

Why can't EA Sports NFL and NCAA departments work together?
# 1 the_EDJ @ Apr 22
The NFL and NCAA are two different animals. The level of athlete in the NFL trumps NCAA in every way possible. Players are a lot more equal in Madden. With disparity amongst teams in NCAA, the game is more wide open and offensive/defensive identities are important. In Madden, everyone is very similar and you can easily plug offense A into team B. Defense is a little bit more specialized, but you only get the 3-4 and 4-3. That's just the nature of the league.

I think NCAA really captures the feel of having a stud athlete run circles around lesser teams. Think Florida's Debose abusing a Sun Belt CB. In Madden, all players are athletes, the game has a more on rails feel, but I think that's just how the league is.

The games run on similar engines as it is. Locomotion and tackling tech is shared between the development teams among other things each year. And all features are usually released on both titles within two years of each other depending on who releases it first and then shares it with the other. But by providing two separate games, you get just that, two unique applications of one game. They're close, but the differences are important. If NCAA played like Madden or vice versa, I'd only buy Madden. But I love experimenting with the option, and the spread, and the differences allow me to play both without getting bored of the other because they handle differently.

Enough people whine about EA milking the two games each year with minimal updates, if they were the same, how would that be better? Madden has to render what about 2000 players (55 player roster x 32 Teams + Free Agents)? With NCAA rosters, that total is closer to 9000 (70 player roster x 128ish teams)? Graphics are going to be more generic in NCAA, but lighting can help set it apart, there's just so much to cram into a game. Having high-res Adrian Petersons showing up in Madden is more important I'd think.

Also, Madden adds lighting effects every year. They tried the color filters in 09, blue in winter/snow, red in september. They added dynamic lighting to the field last year as well, they focused on the effect on the new Jaguars helmets.

And what it really comes down to is preference. I prefer Madden. It's more strategic. The playbooks are limited/similar and it comes to execution of your strategy. In NCAA, it comes down to the players playing in the right system. Even if you're not as strategic on the field, you can bulldoze teams with a power running game that some teams might not be equipped to stop. Think a Big 12 team built to stop the spread Oklahoma offense trying to face Wisconsin...(GBR! haha) Those are my thoughts, I'm fine with things how they are right now. Both games are quality us of $120 each summer.
# 2 AndyP @ Apr 22
IMO, it all comes down to the NFL and the EA marketing department. I think both of them strangle the creativity of the development. The marketing department, because they insist on their 2-3 back of the box "selling point" features every year which are then the clear focus of the development team. The NFL, because of their exclusive status as "the official videogame of the NFL" means that there can be no ESPN - although why there can't be any NFL Network I have no idea. I recall one of the developers commenting in the past that they had to run an idea past so many people before implementing it, it was crazy.
# 3 Eski33 @ Apr 23
I have grown up on Madden and was a bit disappointed in Madden 11. NCAA 12 is a must purchase for me but I am excited to see what Madden will bring this year.
# 4 poulka @ Apr 26
Here is what I have to say about these two franchises. I grew up on both of these since each of their beginnings. On the PS one and PS2 Madden had all the new features and seemed like the better game of the two. Even though I have always loved NCAA on those consoles, but Madden just looked more polished.

Now with the new consoles they have each gone down different paths based on the developers. But NCAA now seems to have the edge in graphical presentation over Madden. While Madden has some benefits it just does not add to what NCAA has achieved on these consoles. But like I said I remember when the college game took a backseat to game enhancements. For example if Madden 12 had a new presentation look or weather, we had to wait until the next year for it to be in NCAA. The only exception has been Pro-Tak on this generation of consoles.
# 5 GrandMaster B @ Apr 28
Judging by the latest videos and previews, they have been working together or at least incorporating the same ideas. It's about time.
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